Quassia indica(in English)

         Niepa Bark Tree
Quassia_indica_25.JPG (2466×3522)

Local Names : കരിഞ്ഞൊട്ട, കരിങ്ങൊട്ട
Scientific Name : Quassia indica
Synonym : Samadera indica
Habitat: Evergreen, Semi-evergreen forests.
 Habit :  Small evergreen tree grows upto 12 m.
Importance: Medicinal plant
Ecological significance:
Leaves are having anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and insecticidal properties and is used against head lice, white ants and mosquitos. it is used in treatment of itching, leprosy, malaria etc
the bark is used to cure fever.
Seeds are used in the treatment of Asthma and reumatism.
leathery leaves with spots
പ്രമാണം:Quassia indica.jpg - വിക്കിപീഡിയ

Kerala Forest Department
Social Forestry Division 


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